Empowering students with a foundation to succeed in life.
Our Programs
Our programs empower students, parents, volunteers, and professionals for success. We have a total of seven programs and provide everything from educational instruction to recognition and scholarships.

Jun 23-27 & Jul 9-11
The purpose of Diversity University I is to provide inclusion and diversity training to improve the ability of professionals and the community to respond to the needs of a culturally diverse population. Diversity University is designed to increase equity and justice by helping individuals address their biases and leverage their power to address problems of disparate treatment of individuals.
Words are inadequate to describe this experience. Not easy to go thru emotionally, but it was Transformational
You will receive inclusion and diversity training to improve your ability to respond to the needs of a culturally diverse population. Participants are eligible for 40 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) hours, graduate credits from Adams State University, and/or contact hours for Colorado Department of Education (CDE) licensure.
Diversity University II takes participants on a deeper exploration of inclusion, diversity, and equity. This program equips individuals with advanced tools and strategies to address complex challenges within their communities and organizations. Participants delve into intricate topics such as implicit bias, systemic inequality, and cultural competence, gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to effect meaningful change.

The ECOC Summit Got me Thinking about implicit bias through different cultural lenses, staying strong in a time of backlash, And how to challenge the attack on racial equity and justice.
ECOC SUMMIT Participant
Program Pillars
We take a people-centered approach to all our programs to ensure they are creating the most value for the participants!

We're continually adding to our comprised wealth of knowledge in Education and Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Across the board, we have a roster of industry professionals who care deeply about our mission and have a knack for helping educate others.

Our partners enrich our programatic efforts by offering space, money, and time.

Our Impact
With the help of the partners, donors, volunteers, and more
we have been reaching new heights as an organization. It is important we practice maximum transparency as we expand our horizons to reach more students, educators, and other professionals across Colorado's education landscape.
While it is challenging to measure the actual, intrinsic impact we are making on the lives of our participants, we are proud to report these metrics:
Major Sponsors in 2023
We pride ourselves in the partnerships we make with corporate entities and foundations across the state. With their help our fight to dismantle the cradle-to-prison pipeline through education becomes more attainable.
Awarded Scholarship Funds
Our scholarship fund continues to grow year after year, and, to date, we've granted close to $550,000 in scholarship funds to students who participate in the annual ECOC Summit.
Fueling the fire of justice and closing opportunity gaps for all people.
Igniting resilience, courage, and endless possibilities.
Illuminating minds, unlocking potential, and paving brighter pathways.